Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Five Part 2: "Business Partners"

Alright so tonights blog is going to be about friends with benefits. I don't see the big deal with it. That doesn't make me a slut or a skank. That just makes me smart enough to not have to deal with the BS that comes along with a relationship. It is nothing more than a friendship with a few added bonuses. Now I am not saying go out and become friends with 500 different people and have sex with them.... No, no, no. That is whorish. But to have one friend that you are truly friends with that you just happen to have sex with is no biggie! People have needs, and when you don't want to be in a relationship just to have those needs met. Then this is the perfect "Business Partnership" for you. Because let's face it people, we all get horny at times. But you just don't want to go out whoring around town. So, just get that one person and propose a business proposition and see where it goes. You never know, you just might be walking around with a smile on your face the very next day. :)

Day five for me was an alright day. Nothing bad, but nothing to special. However! I was not sad. Which was a definite upgrade from yesterday... and the day before..... and so many more days. For once I can finally say that I was not sad at all! Like I felt somewhat over the breakup. I know you are probably saying, "well it's about damn time!". But in my defense, I tend to get a little overly emotionally attached to someone and that just makes it even harder! But yep, I did it. I have cried enough and bitched enough about being sad and heart broken! It's high time to move on with life! Just because one thing stops in your life, doesn't mean that your life has to! I am young and have tons more to experience in life. And honestly,(excuse the upcoming language) I am fucking ready to get out there and live! So that's it people! Live your life. Because it's not going to stop for anyone or anything!

P.s. BEST THING ABOUT FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS IS NOOOO, DO YOU HEAR ME? NOOOO STRINGS ATTACHED! Simply amazing idea. My hat goes off to whoever came up with sleeping around in a non-slutty way.

Oh P.s to my P.s. HAPPY MLK DAY!.... Although I kind of forgot about it throughout the day. None the less happy MLK Day :)

Love You Guys Always, Dan

Day Five Part 1: Sinful Living

I thought about something last night that I felt the need to share in my blog.. Living with someone before marriage. I think it is an awesome idea to live with someone before taking that step of fully committing yourself to them for the rest of your life. It allows you to know that person on a completely different level. I think if more people did this our divorce rate would be a lot lower. And sometime marriage puts to much of a strain on relationships, not always but sometimes. So who needs marriage?! Don't try to fix something that isn't broke. So that was just a little bit of some of the things that were going through my mind. Enjoy some sinful living. It couldn't be any worse than getting married and then divorcing a couple of years afterwards.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Four Part 2: The Art of Breaking Up

Part 2 people! The art of breaking up is very intricate. It is something that can never be taken lightly. It needs to be handled with caution and tact. When breaking up with someone, please be courteous about it. Don't be an asshole about it. Use kind words, remember that you use to/still have feelings for the person you are dumping. Do not over use the word sorry. Once is quite enough. Because I can tell you from personal experience that hearing someone who is breaking your heart say, "sorry" is highly annoying. And PLEASE! do not play the victim. Because you're not! I've always had somewhat good breakups minus one horrible long drawn out shit storm. But that's beside the point. Always try to have a "good" breakup. Or at least as good as it can be. It will always make things better in the long run. That my friends is the summed up "art" of breaking up.

My day four.. has been kind of a great day! I don't know if I had some form of a break through last night but I think I may have. It was a rough night last night to say the least. But it really made me put things into prospective with my life. I think that a good breakdown is healthy for people. I feel like the barrel can only get so full before it starts to overflow. I was like a dam yesterday, holding back all the water from my past relationship. And all it took was one crack in the dam to make that flood of emotions come bursting out. Drowning out every single good thing that happen in the day. But sometimes a flood is just what you need to wash away all that shit that collects in your mind. That's what happened to me. As hard as it was, it ultimately made my day today feel like a brand new, refreshing day. And I loved every minute of it.

Tonight I will leave you with these words of wisdom. When in doubt, listen to Beyonce. It will make everything alright. :)

Dan BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Day Four Part 1: Upgrade

Day 4 part 1.. One word people, UPGRADE. Always upgrade, never downgrade. The end. Part 2 will come tonight. I just had to get that out there.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Three: Bittersweet Minus The Sweet??

Day f'ing three.. You'll have to work with me tonight, I've had a few cocktails. So why the title bittersweet minus the sweet, you may ask. Well, whenever you are coming out of a relationship, so many people say that it is bittersweet. BULLSHIT. I don't know about any of you but my bitter side takes over the sweetness. I think we are all entitled to a little bitterness after putting hard work and dedication into something that after everything is said and done was a waste of time. So if you you want to have yourself a bitter little pity party, then you go right ahead and do so. You deserve it! Why should we put on an act like we are happy that your heart was just ripped out of your chest?!? I for one cannot hide my emotions very well and when something is bothering me or if I am sad about something, you can pretty much bet you will know it. Another point I want to make today is why the hell do the people who were the ones who ended the relationship feel like they have a right to say sorry?! No one wants your sympathy.. And crying... don't even get me started! I will tell you that there is nothing more annoying than hearing a grown man cry like a baby because "he just didn't want to break you heart"... boofreakinghoo. Everything happens for a reason and I know that. BUT, that doesn't mean you can't still be a little bitter. :)

My third day was a good one to begin with. The day started off good and everything seemed to just be going my way. I had an awesome night out with my best friends. Drinking Green Tea Martini's(which are amazing by the way) and out to dinner for pizza. Then..... my friend that I hadn't seen in a while ask THE question. "So if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you and your boyfriend?? You can give me a short version if you don't want to tell me the whole thing.". And I was fine that she asked. She was worried and wanted to know how I was doing, but, don't you just hate it when someone opens that somewhat healed wound?? Yeah right! My night after that went to shit. But I shouldn't complain. Life could be so much worse. Hell, I don't have a bad life, just a broken heart. And sometimes you may think that it is the end of the world but it's not. I promise. On that note I will leave you with the words of the lovely Dolly Parton, "Smile! It increases your face value!" 

Much love, Dan

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day Two: Good But Not Great..

So, here we are on day number two. Today has been a very reflective day for me, I've been thinking about all past relationships that I have been in and what some of the troubles I've had in them were. Relationships these days have become so much more than just an equal partnership. I see most people in relationships who if you asked them to describe their partnership you would assume that it was a business partnership..(if you didn't know any better). It really is sad that you see so many people who are in a relationship that are just looking for the financial security they need or in a lot of cases the sexual fulfillments they need. My parents for example, after 25 long years of marriage got a divorce. You would think that after being married so long that you would pretty much just deal with the problems in the relationship and continue on with it because that is the "smart" or "right" thing to do. Well, it's not. If you think that then you are sadly mistaken. A relationship or a marriage should be nothing more than a partnership of love and trust. More and more people are getting divorces these days, in my opinion I think it is simply because they get married or enter a long term relationship before they fully discover who they really are. Then they adapt to what their partner/spouse is and then 10, 15, 20, 50 years down the line they decide, "Well shit, I think I want to go out and find myself!". That usually leads to the divorce or separation. If more people would take the time to find themselves and discover who they really are, I think we would have a much lower divorce rate. That's my banter on relationships for the day.

Now onto the "single life". Today has been a good day, I feel good but not great. I try to think on the positive side of everything in my life, including my relationships that have failed. And I have decided that everything happens for a reason. You may not realize it right away or even for a long while but eventually you will see that God holds everything in His hands. Someone better will come into your life and you will then realize what true happiness is and you will think back on all those "relationshits" and say, "What the hell was I doing?!". Take the time in your life to truly understand who you are before you decide you want to get in a relationship. It will benefit you so much in the long run. Because ultimately no one is going to make you happy if you aren't truly happy. I will leave you today with a line from a magazine article I read today, "NEWS FLASH party of one, NEWS FLASH! You don't need a partner! You just need.... YOU!" :)

Until tomorrow, Dan

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day One: Stepping Stones My Dear, Stepping Stones

Well here we are on day one... Let me give you a bit of background info on why I am doing this somewhat pointless blog. I have just recently become single after an on and off year long relationship. The relationship was a good one. I had a really awesome guy. BUT.. unfortunately due to differences in life goals and we were geographically "retarded" our relationship like so many others crashed and burned. But out of that heap of burning shit we salvaged a life-long friendship. And you know, sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together...

Tonight, while watching Julie and Julia I decided that I was going to be single and focus on my life and bettering myself as a person. Then one thing lead to another and I was making an account on Blogspot. I have given myself a 1 year timeline to be single, I know, I know some of you are thinking, "Oh my God?! Why would anyone want to be single for that long?!". And to answer that question, I believe that people have become to codependent on being in a relationship. Constantly needing to be loved and wanted by a person. I want to bust through that barrier and venture out into the single life. I know that it will be a hard feat but a very refreshing one. So this is it, day one of "The Single Life". And I will leave you with the words of my grandmother, "Men are just stepping stones my dear, stepping stones." How very true indeed.