Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Three: Bittersweet Minus The Sweet??

Day f'ing three.. You'll have to work with me tonight, I've had a few cocktails. So why the title bittersweet minus the sweet, you may ask. Well, whenever you are coming out of a relationship, so many people say that it is bittersweet. BULLSHIT. I don't know about any of you but my bitter side takes over the sweetness. I think we are all entitled to a little bitterness after putting hard work and dedication into something that after everything is said and done was a waste of time. So if you you want to have yourself a bitter little pity party, then you go right ahead and do so. You deserve it! Why should we put on an act like we are happy that your heart was just ripped out of your chest?!? I for one cannot hide my emotions very well and when something is bothering me or if I am sad about something, you can pretty much bet you will know it. Another point I want to make today is why the hell do the people who were the ones who ended the relationship feel like they have a right to say sorry?! No one wants your sympathy.. And crying... don't even get me started! I will tell you that there is nothing more annoying than hearing a grown man cry like a baby because "he just didn't want to break you heart"... boofreakinghoo. Everything happens for a reason and I know that. BUT, that doesn't mean you can't still be a little bitter. :)

My third day was a good one to begin with. The day started off good and everything seemed to just be going my way. I had an awesome night out with my best friends. Drinking Green Tea Martini's(which are amazing by the way) and out to dinner for pizza. Then..... my friend that I hadn't seen in a while ask THE question. "So if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you and your boyfriend?? You can give me a short version if you don't want to tell me the whole thing.". And I was fine that she asked. She was worried and wanted to know how I was doing, but, don't you just hate it when someone opens that somewhat healed wound?? Yeah right! My night after that went to shit. But I shouldn't complain. Life could be so much worse. Hell, I don't have a bad life, just a broken heart. And sometimes you may think that it is the end of the world but it's not. I promise. On that note I will leave you with the words of the lovely Dolly Parton, "Smile! It increases your face value!" 

Much love, Dan

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